
What's New? January 97

File Download from Korean Online Services

Internet Explorer v3.0 released (1/7)


Eudora Pro 3.0.1 Hangul patch

Hangul Nifty Telnet v1.1

ATI XclaimVR PCI Graphics Card

      In December 18, I got ATI XclaimVR (4MB) card after about 2 months of waiting in backorder list but it was worth of waiting. My main concern to this card was to expand humble graphic capability of my Apple Performa 6400/200. For almost same price as XclaimGA, it turned my Performa into consumer level multimedia machine.

      Marketing point of this card is 5 in 1 graphic card : it provides true color (milions colors) up to 1024x768 and accelerates 2D graphics like scrolling, screen redraw etc. a little. The most impressive one is its QuickTime acceleration. It plays full screen QuickTime movies without noticible performance degradation. One more useful bonus, for my case, is its QuickDraw3D RAVE acceleration. Besides these, it has Mac2TV feature and QuickTime capture from video source. I was disappointed by its lack of sound input port though.

      I can recommend this card if your machine has 1MB of VRAM like mine or doesn't have video in/out features. I think 2MB version is good for most of cases but if you are considering to use QuickDraw3D, buy 4MB version. With 2MB version, you are limited to very small window.

      I found CDW has very competitive price for this card : $289 for 4MB version. Before you order it, you have to know several graphics cards which have similar features and prices are comming in a short time though.

Free Apple logo for Your Car

      You can get car decal of the Apple logo for free by calling 1-800-373-0877.

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