Code Conversion

You will have to deal with Hangul documents from PC world sometimes which might be written in Johap Hangul or saved from PC word processors. That is the reason you need utilities called code converter.

However, the best way to exchange Hangul documents with others using IBM Compatibles is to use cross-platform applications or plain text files.

Htrans Htrans is one of the utilities bundled with HangulTalk and available from Korean online services. Old version of Htrans (v2.x) is known to check HangulKey.

Supported Codes Wansung, Johap, Nbyte

Toctac This converter from HanSoft is included in HanKoreanKit and well supported by author SungWoo Nho. Besides of Hangul code conversion, it has some extra features such as latin transliteration, conversion of Wansung code resources in application to Han code, etc. And, not to be forgotten, is clipboard conversion which makes possible to avoid saving original and converted text to files.

Supported Codes Wansung, Johap, Kong, Han Code

Download You can download time-limited (30 days) trial version of Toctac from :

Code Converter This old code converter supports ARae-Ah Hangul (HWP hereafter) 1.5 document exclusively. I think it is freeware.

Supported Codes HWP 1.5, Wansung, Trigem Johap, TrueCode(What is this?)

Download You can download this from Korean online services or :

Claris XTND Filters Unlike other code converters which are applications, Claris XTND filters are kind of plug-in which can be used with any application that supports this technology such as ClarisWorks, Word Perfect, Nisus, HanMacWord, etc. On top of this, they can convert formatted documents as well as text files whereas other code converters support only text documents.

Available filters HanaWord, HWP 2.x v1.2, ClarisWorks WP 1.0, 2.0, Nisus 2.x, 3.x, v.2.0.1, TGEDIT.XTND, Nisus, BosukGulv1.x Wansung, BosukGul v1.x Johap, BosukGul v 2.x, HWP 2-3 (NEW!)

Download These filters come with various localized applications, or can be downloaded from Korean online services. If you want to try these filters, download HanMacWord demo from its web site or following sites and you will find most of Claris XTND Hangul filters.

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